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How to Use Tubex Tree Protectors

A British company, Tubex makes tree shelters that provide protection to trees from wind, wildlife, lawn mowers and weeds. Gardeners who use Tubex protectors can grow a smaller stock or type of tree without worrying about the plant succumbing to damage during its first growing year. According to Tubex, the tree shelters also shorten the establishment time it takes for trees to grow strong root systems and trunks because they are not exposed to damaging elements and prevents girdling or injuring the trunk.

Things You'll Need

  • Pre-emergent herbicide
  • Drop spreader
  • Shovel
  • Stake
  • Rubber mallet
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      Apply a pre-emergent herbicide in the early spring to prevent weed growth inside of the Tubex tree protector. Broadcast pre-emergent herbicide granules over the planting area using a drop spreader. Pre-emergent herbicide works by preventing weed seeds from germinating. Water the area after broadcasting the pre-emergent herbicide to help the herbicide sink into the soil. Use 1 inch of water.

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      Dig a planting hole that is twice the size of the tree's root ball and at the same depth as the tree was planted in its nursery container. Pack soil around the base of the tree.

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      Hammer in a stake 2 inches away from the base of the tree using a rubber mallet. Use a 2-by-2-inch stake that is 5 feet long. The stake must go into the first 18 inches of soil.

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      Pull the Tubex tree protector over the tree flare-side up and push it into the ground. Hold the tree branches to help pull the protector down to the base of the tree.

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      Wrap the tie from the Tubex tree protector around the stake. Tighten the tie and tuck the excess tie inside of the small hole on the side of the Tubex tree protector. The tree protector must be firmly secured to the stake.