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How to Grow Oro Blanco Grapefruits

First discovered in Jamaica in the 19th century, grapefruit trees are a natural hybrid between pomelos and sweet oranges. Countless cultivars of grapefruit have since been developed, including a cold-hardy variety with low-acid fruit called Oroblanco. Oroblanco grapefruits grow easily in most gardens since they require little maintenance and will withstand freezing temperatures for short periods of time. However, regular feeding for the first few years after planting will enhance the trees' growth rate, which will lead to a larger, earlier yield of fruit.

Things You'll Need

  • Rotary tiller or handheld cultivator
  • Compost
  • Sharpshooter shovel
  • 10-10-10 ratio fertilizer
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      Select a planting site suited to growing Oroblanco grapefruits. Choose a sunny site with loamy soil and excellent drainage. Avoid areas with clay-based soil, shade or an abundance of competing vegetation.

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      Work the soil to a depth of 24 inches using a rotary tiller or handheld cultivator. Break up the soil thoroughly and remove any sticks, stones or other debris. Work a 12-inch-thick layer of compost into the planting site to improve the nutrient content and drainage of the bed.

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      Dig a planting hole for the Oroblanco grapefruit using a sharpshooter shovel. Space the planting holes at least 30 feet apart if you are planting multiple trees. Make the hole twice the volume of the sapling's nursery container.

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      Fill the bottom third of the planting hole with loosened soil. Set the root ball of the Oroblanco sapling onto the soil. Hold the trunk upright while filling in around the root ball with soil. Press the soil firm around the base and add more until the soil is flush with the surrounding ground level.

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      Water the Oroblanco tree to a depth of 5 inches immediately after planting it. Water to a depth of 3 inches once a week after the first watering. Apply the water on low volume so that it soaks into the soil instead of running off.

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      Feed the Oroblanco grapefruit with 10-10-10 ratio fertilizer once a month during the active growing season, from April until early September. Follow the label instructions carefully when applying the fertilizer to keep from harming the roots of the tree.