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How to Grow Cherries in a Paper Towel

Cherry seeds require a cold dormancy to germinate and grow. This can be done outdoors during the winter or in your refrigerator. Afterward, you should ideally plant the seeds in planting trays or directly outdoors. If you want to first test a few seeds to verify they will grow before doing a lot of work, then you can do so in paper towels and on top of your warm refrigerator.

Things You'll Need

  • Cherry seeds
  • Plastic bag
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      Place all the cherry seeds in a sealable plastic bag or container that contains moist shredded paper towels. Place the seeds so they are surrounded by the paper towels. Place the bag in the refrigerator for three to five months.

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      Check on the seeds every two to three weeks to make sure the paper towels are still moist. Reapply a little moisture to the paper towels if necessary.

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      Lay a moist paper towel on a flat, thin surface, such as a piece of cardboard. After the dormancy period in the refrigerator, place five or six seeds on the moist paper towel. They should not touch each other. Cover the seeds with a second moist paper towel.

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      Place the seeds in an open plastic bag and set it on top of the refrigerator where it is warm. Check on the seeds every couple of days to moisten the paper towels, if necessary. If the seeds have not started to grow within a month, it is likely your seeds are not viable.