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How to Germinate Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit is the product of an epiphytic cactus species called Hylocereus undatus, or night-blooming cereus. Hundreds of tiny black seeds are embedded in the creamy-white flesh of dragon fruit, which will germinate reliably if planted in warm, moist compost. Although the seeds of dragon fruit are easy to germinate, it takes up to seven years for the plant to mature and bear fruit. However, it makes an attractive ornamental plant before it bears fruit and will bloom prolifically, producing large, extremely fragrant flowers during the spring and summer months.

Things You'll Need

  • 3-inch square pots
  • Seed-starting compost
  • Spray bottle
  • Propagation mat
  • Plastic wrap
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    • 1

      Fill 3-inch square pots with sterile, non-acidic seed-starting compost. Press the compost firmly with your thumbs to even out the surface and remove any trapped air.

    • 2

      Sow two dragon fruit seeds in each pot. Press the seeds into the seed-starting compost so they are mostly buried. Scatter a thin layer of seed-starting compost over the seeds so they are barely covered.

    • 3

      Spray the seed-starting compost in each pot three or four times with a spray bottle so the top half-inch is moist. Maintain moisture in the top half-inch as the dragon fruit seeds germinate.

    • 4

      Place the pots on a propagation mat. Set the temperature of the propagation mat to 68 F. Drape a large portion of plastic wrap over the pots to help hold in moisture and warmth.

    • 5

      Watch for germination two to three weeks after sowing the dragon fruit seeds. Remove the weaker of the two dragon fruit seedlings from each pot, if both germinate successfully.

    • 6

      Remove the plastic wrap once the dragon fruit seeds germinate, but keep the pots on the propagation mat for one more week to hasten germination.