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Aminopyralid & Evergreen Trees

When weeds begin to grow under evergreen trees, you may be tempted to use the herbicide aminopyralid on the unwanted vegetation. Before you apply the harsh chemicals, consider the safety of the evergreen tree as well as your environment. Improper use of aminopyralid can prove fatal to the life of the evergreen.
  1. Aminopyralid

    • Manufactured by Dow AgroSciences, aminopyralid is used to control broadleaf weeds such as ox-eye daisies, thistles and nettles. This selective hormone-based herbicide contains pyridine carboxylic acid and is sold under the name Milestone. According to the manufacturer, aminopyralid herbicide provides long-lasting control over invasive and noxious weeds, including biannual, annual and perennial vegetation. When applied to the leafy part of the weeds, the chemical will travel throughout the plant, including its root. This will kill the entire plant.

    Evergreen Trees

    • As their name suggests, evergreen trees feature leaves or foliage that stay green throughout the year, unlike deciduous trees, which lose their foliage at certain seasons. Most conifer trees such as pine, fir, cedar and spruce are evergreen, as are live oak and holly.

    Aminopyralid on Evergreen Trees

    • Aminopyralid is safe to use on certain trees, but evergreens species are typically not among them. Even though the manufacturer's guidelines for Milestone states that the herbicide can be used on weeds under some species of evergreen, such as Virginia pine, it can damage the tree if the chemical comes in contact with foliage or exposed roots. To prevent possible permanent damage to the evergreen tree, refrain from using herbicide containing aminopyralid around the evergreen.


    • Before using any type of herbicide, always read and follow the instructions printed on the herbicide label. Do not fertilize gardens or crops with manure from animals that have fed on any vegetation treated with Milestone herbicide. Doing so will increase the chance of damage to your crops, gardens and your health.