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How to Prune Italian Honey Fig Trees

The Italian honey fig tree variety is a vigorous plant that produces a late summer fig crop, as well as an early autumn crop. Mature fruit features yellow-green skin, white to honey-colored flesh and a very sweet lemony-honey flavor. These slow-growing, hardy trees tend to have dense foliage. Italian honey fig trees can use the occasional pruning to thin out the denser branches and promote fruit size and production.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
  • Trash can or compost pile
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      Prune Italian honey fig trees just after planting. Trim back all of the branches by about one-half. This helps promote strong trunk growth and ensures the roots become established. Don't prune your fig tree again for the rest of its first growing season.

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      Choose the fruiting branches at the start of your fig tree's second growing season. Select three or four of the strongest, healthiest shoots that you will allow to grow. Trim off all other shoots down to the ground.

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      Prune younger Italian honey fig trees annually during the dormant season. Only cut off about a one-quarter to one-third of the previous year's growth. Remember that it takes about five years for Italian honey fig trees to mature.

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      Thin your fig tree's canopy only if it becomes too dense. Cut out the branches growing into the center crown of your fig tree. This lets the sunlight reach the lower branches.

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      Prune mature Italian honey fig trees right after you harvest the main crops. Because figs form on the wood of the prior year's growth, avoid hard winter pruning or you will lose next year's fig crop.

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      Prune out any weak, dead or diseased branches every dormant season. Use pruning shears to trim off the problem branches at the trunk of the fig tree.

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      Trim out any freeze-damaged wood in the spring. This encourages new branch and foliage growth. Promptly discard any Italian fig tree prunings onto your compost pile or into your trash can to avoid spreading any pathogens.