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How to Grow Seedless Clementine Fruit

There's nothing like fresh-picked citrus fruit for a juicy, sweet and healthy snack. Clementines are a popular variety of Mandarin oranges introduced to the U.S. in 1909 and originally from Algeria. This type of tangerine grows successfully in the same areas where other citrus trees grow and thrive. Clementine trees are ideal for gardeners who don't have a lot of space and don't want a huge crop. You can successfully grow seedless Clementines with the right location and care.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Shovel
  • Garden hose
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    • 1

      Choose a location for your clementine tree to ensure it's not at the bottom of an incline where excess water will drain. Take into account that the fruit tree should be positioned where it can receive sun for half the day and be sheltered from cold seasonal winds.

    • 2

      Measure the distance from the bottom of the clementine tree root ball to its graft to determine how deep you need to dig the hole for planting. Subtract 2 to 3 inches from this measurement to ensure the graft remains above the soil level after planting it.

    • 3

      Plant your clementine tree in late March or after the threat of frost has passed. Dig a hole in the chosen planting location at the depth determined in Step 2.

    • 4
      Expose the peripheral roots with water to help them start growing immediately.

      Use a garden hose to rinse off about 1-inch of planting medium from the root ball to expose the peripheral roots. Place your clementine tree in the hole.

    • 5

      Push soil back into the hole to fill it halfway. Water the soil until it's wet and settles into the hole. Fill the rest of the hole with the backfilled soil until the root ball is covered by at least 1 inch of soil.

    • 6

      Create a water ring around your newly planted clementine tree with excess soil. Make the ring about a foot away from the tree with a height and thickness of about 5 to 7 inches.

    • 7

      Fill the water ring with your garden hose. After the water has absorbed, add soil to any spots around your tree or in the water ring that have settled.

    • 8

      Water your clementine tree by filling the water ring every three to four days for the first month.