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Germinating California Pepper Tree Seeds

Although this graceful, weeping tree is so much a part of the California landscape it seems native, California pepper tree (Schinus molle) comes from South America. The tree was introduced to Mexico from Peru by Spanish administrators, and made its way to California with Spanish priests who built the early missions. Growing in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11, the California pepper tree is drought-tolerant once established.
  1. Description

    • The California pepper tree grows fast, reaching maturity in less than 20 years. This evergreen grows to 25 to 40 feet tall and wide. California pepper tree begins to flower when at about 3 years old, producing mall yellow-green flowers in panicles at the ends of branches throughout the year. The flowers are either male or female, with only the female flowers producing fruit. Some trees have mostly male flowers and produce few fruits. The round berries change from green to a rosy red, while older berries turn black. The seeds have a sharp taste and are sometimes used for seasoning.

    Seed Collection

    • Pick mature berries that have turned bright pinkish-red from adult California pepper trees that are about 25 feet tall. Spread them out to dry in the sun for five to seven days. Then, pound the seeds in a mortar and pestle to remove the thin red husk. Winnow the seeds to remove the husk remnants. Use a winnowing screen with mesh spaces that keep the seeds on top but let the debris fall through. You can also pass seeds from one container to another in front of a gently blowing electric fan or outdoors on a breezy day. The seeds are maroon or black. You can store the seeds in a sealed container in a dark, dry, cool place for about two years.

    Planting Seeds

    • When you are ready to plant the seeds, rinse them with water to remove the sticky substance that coats the seeds. Soak the seeds in water for two or three days at room temperature. Fill a 6-inch pot with well-draining potting mix. Place the seeds on top of the potting mix and cover them with straw. Keep the potting mix moist but not soggy. The seeds germinate in 20 to 25 days with 50 to 80 percent of the seeds germinating. After the seeds germinate, keep the California pepper tree seedlings in partial shade and water as needed to keep the soil from drying out.


    • Transplant seedlings into individual containers in four to six weeks. After the seedlings have become established in their pots, gradually move them out into full sun over the course of two weeks. Keep them watered. When the seedlings reach 12 inches tall, they can be planted in the ground. Give young plants supplemental watering for the first two years to establish a deep root system. California pepper trees tolerate a variety of soil types and growing conditions, developing an extensive vertical and lateral root system. Plant California pepper trees well away from walkways, patios, pipes and foundations because the roots can heave or break them.