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How Long Does it Take the Eastern Redbud to Germinate?

Eastern redbud trees (Cercis canadensis) add year-round beauty to landscaping within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9 with their showy magenta flowers and striking, heart-shaped foliage. They propagate readily from seeds, which perform best when sown fresh. Eastern redbud seeds germinate in just one to two weeks. However, they require pretreatment and stratification to weaken their impermeable seed coat, break their dormancy and prompt germination.
  1. Timing

    • Eastern redbud seeds ripen in mid-autumn after the long, pea-like pods dry out and rattle when shaken. Gather them immediately after ripening and sow while still fresh, meaning you shouldn't store them for an extended period of time between harvest, pretreatment and sowing. The required pretreatment period takes roughly two months, so you won't sow the seeds until winter.

    Equipment and Preparation

    • No unusual equipment is required to successfully germinate eastern redbud seeds. However, they do require pretreatment to break their dormancy. Soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours, then place them in a plastic bag filled with moistened peat moss. Seal the bag and chill it in the refrigerator for two months, moistening the peat occasionally so it never fully dries out. Alternatively, nick the seeds with a nail file to wear a small weak spot on the hull, although this often proves difficult to accomplish due to the relatively small size of the seed.


    • After the chilling period ends, sow the eastern redbud seeds in individual pots filled with clean, unused potting soil. They do not require light for germination, so cover the seeds with a layer of soil measuring roughly 1/2 to 1 inch thick. Eastern redbud seeds sometimes fail to germinate despite adequate pretreatment, so sow a few extra seeds to help increase the likelihood of growing viable seedlings.

    Germination Requirements

    • Eastern redbud seeds germinate quickly once stratified, although they still need exposure to the right temperature, light and moisture conditions. They require temperatures around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as consistently moist soil. In warmer areas where late season frosts are rare, you can place the pots outdoors against a south-facing wall with dappled shade. However, in cooler areas, place the seeds inside a closed cold frame or greenhouse. Healthy eastern redbud seed will sprout in roughly one to two weeks.

    Planting and Aftercare

    • As with most redbud species, eastern redbuds grow extremely fast and will be ready for planting in the garden by the end of their first growing season. In the warmer end of their range, you can plant them in the garden in autumn, although they should be overwintered in a sheltered spot until spring in colder climates. Eastern redbuds require little care once established in a sunny bed. However, occasional watering during their first two summers in the ground will help them develop a productive root system faster, which will increase the likelihood of a long, healthy life.