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What Plants Can I Grow That Keep Mosquitoes and Bugs Away?

Mosquitoes and other pests can ruin a beautiful backyard experience. Many bug-repelling sprays and pest-control solutions cause more damage than the insects. Growing a few bug-repelling plants in your landscaping is an effective way of keeping insect pests away without the use of toxic chemicals. Most insect-repelling plants add fragrances and colorful flowers to your garden while keeping those insect pests away.
  1. Basil

    • Basil (Ocimum basilicum) plays as diverse a role in the garden. These aromatic plants grow about 2 feet tall with bright-green leaves topped with spikes covered in white to light-purple flowers. Plant them liberally, as basil repels mosquitoes and flies. Plant them with tomatoes for better-flavored tomatoes. Pinch off a few leaves now and then for your favorite marinara sauce.


    • Fragrant pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) is often found in the ingredient list of natural bug repellents. Growing pennyroyal near the front door takes advantage of its ant-, flea- and mosquito-repelling properties. Crush a few leaves and rub them on your skin for natural insect protection. Pennyroyal is poisonous to cats, so plant it with care. Pregnant women should avoid using pennyroyal.


    • Marigolds (Calendula officinalis) are the bug-repelling powerhouses of the garden. Brightly colored marigolds repel a wide variety of insects including mosquitoes and white flies, as well as root-damaging nematodes. Plant scented varieties freely through the yard and garden. French and Mexican marigold varieties offer the best repelling power.


    • Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) protects the nearby area from mosquitoes, fleas and whiteflies, while providing nectar for a wide variety of beneficial insects. Use dried sprigs inside your home to keep fleas, flies and moths away. Lavender essential oil is also often found in natural insect repellent recipes.


    • The American Chemical Society announced in 2001 that the essential oil in catnip (Nepeta cataria) is about 10 times more effective at repelling mosquitoes as DEET, the chemical compound found in most insect repellents. The research group had previously learned that catnip also repels cockroaches. Catnip grows about 2 to 3 feet tall with toothed, medium-green leaves and tall flower spikes covered in tiny white to purple flowers. Plant a few catnip plants throughout your garden to repel insects, but watch out for the neighborhood cats it might attract.

    Citronella Grass

    • In the warm climates of southern Florida and Southern California, a coarse, tuft-forming tropical grass called citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus) keeps mosquitoes away. This Asian native needs a long, warm, growing season to mature and produce the insect-repelling citronella oil commonly found commercially.