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How to Germinate Sugar Cane

Although sugar cane is often thought of strictly as a tropical plant, it can be grown outdoors as far north as South Carolina, Kentucky and Tennessee. However, Louisiana is the furthest north sugar cane can be planted as a dependable crop. For other locations, sugar cane can be grown as an indoor plant,

Things You'll Need

  • Stalk of sugar cane
  • Shovel
  • Flower pot, optional
  • Potting soil, optional
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      Obtain a piece of sugar cane that has at least one bud on it, a ring that goes all the way around the stalk like rings found on bamboo. Pieces of sugar cane can usually be found in ethnic supermarkets.

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      Dig a trench, in a sunny area, several inches deep and at least as long as the piece of sugar cane that will be planted. To plant indoors, use a pot that is large enough to lay the cutting horizontally several inches below the rim.

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      Lay the cutting horizontally in the trench or pot, and cover it with several inches of soil. Keep the soil around the cutting moist, but do not water so heavily that the roots become waterlogged. The cutting should germinate within three to four weeks.