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Landscaping to Attract Chipmunks

In order to attract chipmunks into your yard, you need to create a natural landscape that mimics their preferred environment. Chipmunks are native animals that prefer living in wooded, bushy areas. This gives them trees to climb and places to hide when they on the ground. It is a good idea to chipmunk-proof your house and outbuildings before inviting these critters onto your property so they do not take up residence where you do not want them to.
  1. Offer Them Their Favorite Foods

    • Chipmunks prefer eating nuts, seeds and berries, so plant a few of these types of plants in the landscape for them so they have a source of natural food. It is OK to set up feeders for them so you can supplement what is available naturally, but remember that fresh, pesticide-free nuts and berries are what the chipmunks really need for their continued survival. Other preferred natural foods include insects, especially beetles and subterranean fungi, according to Oregon State University Extension.

    Provide Plenty Of Fresh Water

    • Chipmunks, just like other wildlife, need a source of fresh water and a water feature is an effective way to provide it, whether it is large or small. A stream, a pond or a birdbath set at ground level is ideal. Another option is to place a drip hose near a cluster of bushes. Chipmunks use the water to bathe with as well as to drink, so be sure to rinse the water dishes out once a day and refill them with fresh water. Avoid using cold water whenever possible. Set the water in a bucket or other container overnight so it is room temperature before you put it in the containers. During the winter use a heating device made to keep birdbath water from freezing or replace the water several times daily to prevent ice buildup.

    Create Natural Hiding Places

    • A proper habitat is an important part of landscaping to attract chipmunks. Plenty of natural places to hide, nest and raise their young are essential if you intend for these animals to consider your yard their home. Plant a wide array of shrubs in various sizes throughout the property. Choose shrubs that produce edible berries such as blueberries, spicebush, elderberry or viburnum. Prune these shrubs as needed to keep them growing close to the ground. Often lower branches die off when shrubs grow tall. In addition to planting shrubs that grow at a variety of heights, plant trees and flowers of varying heights to create visual interest in your landscape.

    Give Them A Place To Play

    • Chipmunks are fun to watch, but in order to draw them out and enjoy their antics you must provide them with a place to play. Piles of branches or rocks are one option, but sometimes zoning laws prohibit this so the homeowner must get creative and do some actual hardscaping, which simply put, is landscaping with stone, rock or other hard materials. Installing a stone wall is one option, but work with someone who knows how to properly install a stone wall. A good idea is to leave some stones out of the wall so there are hiding places. To make these holes appear more natural, try planting drought-tolerant plants in a planter attached to the wall strategically placed under the opening.