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Soaking Wheatgrass Seeds in Grapefruit Seed Extract

Wheatgrass (Elytrigia elongata) is a healthy sprouted wheat that you can grow at home, but it is very susceptible to mold. Since you'll be eating it, it is very important to be vigilant about eradicating any mold growing on the sprouts. One way to prevent mold before it gets started is to soak the seeds in diluted grapefruit seed extract to kill any mold spores present.
  1. Soaking Seeds

    • Soaking the seeds in water is a crucial step when growing your own wheatgrass. Soaking allows the seed to pre-sprout, which must be done before planting the seeds. When the seeds sprout tiny roots, they are ready to plant. The roots should be about 1/16- to 1/8-inch long when planted. The soaking process usually involves multiple soaking and draining cycles of eight to 10 hours each, though it may take only one soak for the seeds to sprout.

    Types of Grapefruit Seed Extract

    • There are two types of grapefruit seed extract available to buy. The first type, sometimes abbreviated as GSE, is sold as a nutritional supplement through health food stores and online. The other type, citricide, is a grower's-strength version that is also available in health stores and online. It is about three times stronger than regular GSE.

    How to Use Grapefruit Seed Extract

    • Since you already have to soak the wheatgrass seeds in water, simply add the grapefruit seed extract to the soak water. Add 10 to 15 drops, approximately one squirt, of nutritional supplement grapefruit seed extract to 16 ounces of water. If you are using the grower's-strength grapefruit seed extract, only use five drops per 16 ounces of water. You only need to soak the wheatgrass seeds in GSE once.

    Mold Prevention

    • Soaking seeds in grapefruit seed extract isn't the only step you need to take to prevent and eliminate mold. Good ventilation is extremely important once the sprout begin growing. Keep your growing area at about 70 degrees Fahrenheit and dry, using a fan in the growing area to provide adequate ventilation. You don't need to aim it straight onto the plant, but keep the air in the room moving to prevent mold spores from congregating in one area. You can also spray GSE on your growing wheatgrass daily to help prevent mold. Use the same dilution as the soaking solution and put it in a spray bottle.