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Why Is the New Moon the Best Time to Plant Seeds?

Mankind has been planting, maintaining and harvesting gardens by the moon and stars for thousands of years. The alignment of the stars and the waxing or waning of the moon was taken into account before each planting. Rudolf Stainer gave this form of gardening the name biodynamic gardening in the 1920s. Biodynamic gardeners believe that many plants grow best when planted during the new moon.
  1. What to Plant

    • Plants that produce crops above ground, like corn, should be planted during the waxing phase of the moon, between the time of the new moon and the full moon. Below ground crops, like potatoes, should be planted during the waning moon, between the full moon and new moon. According to Organic Garden Info, above ground crops with short germination, one to seven days, and those with extra-long germination, 22 to 28 days, should be planted on or within several days of the new moon. Seeds with long germination, eight to 21 days, should be planted around the time of the full moon.


    • Biodynamic gardening makes use of light cycles. The moon reflects sunlight down onto the earth allowing people to see the moon. From the new moon to the full moon the shadow of the earth on the moon grows smaller, because of this gardeners believe that seeds that sprout during this time receive more sunlight.


    • The gravitation of the moon affects the tides and flow of bodies of water on the earth. Biodynamic gardeners believe the moon also affects the water in the soil. Seeds with short germination periods absorb more water while the moon pulls moisture closer to the surface, causing them to sprout sooner. Seeds with extra-long germination periods absorb more water during this phase of the moon, and are better prepared for sprouting during the next new moon phase.

    Moon Gardening Tips

    • Some common gardening tips include planting, harvesting and care advice. Large areas, like lawns and above ground crops, should be planted during the waxing phase of the moon. Transplant or re-pot any plants during this phase. Many people believe that herbs used for oils should be harvested during this time because the oil content will be stronger. Fruits and vegetables that will be eaten immediately will be crisper and juicier when harvested during the waxing phase.

      Tasks for the waning moon include more than planting below ground crops. Weeds should be removed during this phase. Mowing the lawn in late summer during the waning phase slows its growth. Gardeners should prune and thin out plants during this phase, as well.