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Crops Found in Nigerian Farms

Crops of fertile Nigerian farmlands comprise over 30 percent of the nation's gross domestic product. According to World's Richest Countries, Nigeria is the second wealthiest nation of Africa. Surprisingly, the main crops found in Nigerian farms will not be oranges, tomatoes or other common crops; instead, crops found in Nigeria are varied and unique.
  1. Cocoa

    • The cacao tree, the tree that produces cocoa beans, is one of main crops of Nigeria. The finest of the cocoa beans are selected and are ground up and made into a paste. The paste is then dried to make cocoa powder. Cocoa paste is also used to make cocoa butter. These products are all exported from Nigeria. Farmers will use the left shells and pulp to ferment and create an alcoholic drink out of it. As Nigeria is located near the equator, it is a major exporter of cocoa products.

    Oil Palm Trees

    • Until 1934, Nigeria was the leading exporter of palm oil until it was surpassed by Malaysia; however, Nigeria is still the number two exporter of the product. Palm oil is extracted from the fruit of the oil palm tree, a plant that originated in West Africa. In order to make the palm oil, Nigerian farmers have to reserve expansive farmland to grow the tree. Palm oil is used in the production of margarine, vegetable shortening and soap.


    • Rice is a major crop found on Nigerian farmlands. As of 2007, Nigeria has over 3 million hectares of rice fields, making it the largest exporter of rice. Byproducts include rice powder, rice flour and rice milk.


    • Cassava is another crop found throughout Nigerian farmlands. Cassava is a perennial tree that grows to a height of about 15 feet. The edible part is its tuberous roots. Cassava root is not well known in the Western Hemisphere; however, it is the main ingredient in the popular desert, tapioca.


    • Yams are root vegetables that are similar in taste to sweet potatoes, and the two are often mistaken. Yams originate in West Africa, and sweet potatoes are from Asia. Since antiquity, yams have been found in Nigerian farms. Ghana and Nigeria both celebrate the important holiday called the Yam Festival. It is held in the beginning of August after the rainy season.