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How to Get a Yucca Plant to Bloom

Yucca plants are evergreen or perennial plants native to North and Central America. Part of the yucca's appeal is its ability to grow in dry soil and handle drought well. Yuccas are also long-lived plants, surviving for over 100 years in some cases. Most yucca plants grown in gardens have interesting foliage and bloom on a yearly basis. As long as your yucca receives the proper care, it will bloom in the spring or summer.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Pruners
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      Plant the yucca in a dry, well-draining part of your yard. Select a site in full or partial sun. Dig a hole as deep as the root ball and two times as wide. Place the yucca into the hole, and fill the hole with soil. Water the yucca well for 10 minutes after planting. When the flower stalk grows from the center of the plant, the bloom will soon follow.

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      Add 1 inch of water to the yucca plant once a month during dry spells.

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      Cut off the flower bloom from the previous year if it is still on the yucca. The old bloom may keep a new bloom from forming if it is not removed.