Home Garden

How Frequently Do Hanging Plants Need Water?

Hanging baskets take advantage of vertical growing space that does not accommodate conventional planters. Many varieties of plants grow well in hanging baskets. Watering frequency of these plants depends on the material the planter is made of and where the basket is located.
  1. Container

    • Watering frequency depends on the type of planter used for the hanging basket. A wire basket lined with moss will need watering nearly every day because of the loss of moisture due to evaporation. Plastic containers require less watering because they retain more moisture.


    • Where the hanging basket is located affects the watering schedule. Soil in baskets exposed to windy conditions or full sunlight dries more quickly than soil in baskets hung in shady, protected areas. These plants should be checked daily.


    • Dig a small hole to a depth of 1/4 inch in the top of the soil in the hanging basket. If the soil is dry at that level, thoroughly soak the hanging basket so that water runs out the bottom. A watering wand is commonly used to reach hanging baskets without removing them from their location.