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Hippuris Vulgaris Care

Mare's tail is the common name for Hippuris vulgaris. It is an aquatic plant and a member of the Hippuridaceae family of plants. Mare's tail grows in patches along shallow areas of ponds, lakes and streams. It is usually visible when the water level drops. Although this plant is often an invasive weed in its natural environment, it can make an attractive addition to your water garden or pond landscape.
  1. Culture

    • Mare's tail prefers an environment that has a neutral or slightly alkaline pH level, rather than acidic soils. It grows in both fresh and brackish waters, making it suitable for growing in a clear pool near a fountain, or along the edges of a muddy pond. Although it can survive in partially shaded areas, it prefers sunny locations slightly below the water's edge.


    • Aquatic plants, such as mare's tail, require special planting procedures to encourage optimal growth. Plant a young mare's tail in heavy soil that has a high clay content, using a plastic or stone pot that is submersible. Press the soil around the roots and cover the surface with 1 to 2 inches of small stones to help hold the anchor the mare's tail and hold the soil in place under the water. Insert the pot into the edge of the water, placing the pot about 4 to 8 inches below the surface of the water. As the long leaves grow, they will emerge above the surface of the water.


    • Like most aquatic plants, mare's tail requires regular fertilization for optimal health. Use aquatic plant food pellets at the time of planting, placing the small tablets about 2 to 4 inches deep in the soil surrounding the mare's tail. Continue to feed the plant monthly throughout the active growing season.


    • Propagate by dividing the underground rhizomes after the flowering season. This normally occurs near the end of September. Select healthy, mature plants for propagation. Remove the rhizomes from the soil and separate them by cutting apart groups of three or more rhizomes. Plant the divisions in pots and reinsert them into the water as soon as possible.