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How to Train Moss

Aquarium moss, a beautiful addition to freshwater tanks, provides a natural habitat for fish. Fish fry appreciate moss because it gives them shelter and is a soft, safe place to live as they grow. It is also easy to grow and will even thrive in low-light conditions. Aquarium moss that is untrained, however, will take over the aquarium and clog the filter. Moss is typically trained to grow on aquarium decorations or as part of a moss wall. Java moss and Christmas moss are two easy-to-grow mosses sold at most fish supply stores.

Things You'll Need

  • Cotton string
  • Driftwood
  • Scissors
  • Plastic mesh
  • Zip ties
  • Suction cups with hooks
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  1. Train as Decorations

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      Spread the moss across the top of a rock, piece of driftwood or other decoration. Do not spread it so thinly it will fall apart in the water. You should not be able to see large pieces of the rock under the moss. It should look completely covered in moss.

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      Wrap a piece of plain, cotton string around the driftwood so it covers the moss with about a quarter inch between each wrap of the string.

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      Tie the string ends securely so the moss stays on the object. By the time the string dissolves in the aquarium water, the moss will have attached itself to the object. Moss attaches itself best to rough surfaces like wood or edgy rocks.

    Grow on a Wall

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      Choose a black mesh with holes large enough for the ends of the suction cups to fit through. Plastic mesh is available at hardware stores and nurseries.

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      Measure the back aquarium wall and cut a piece of plastic mesh so it is twice the size of the back wall. When it is folded in half, it needs to fit nicely against the aquarium wall.

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      Fold the mesh in half and secure it closed with thin, black zip ties. Cut off the ends of the ties.

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      Attach a suction cup to all four corners of the mesh. Ensure the suction cups are on the same side and face out.

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      Insert the mesh into the tank and press the suction cups up against the back wall so they are tightly secured. Fertilize the water with a liquid aquarium fertilizer to encourage the moss to grow.