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Can You Grow Hops on a Fence?

Hops are primarily used to add bitterness and aroma to beer. The actual flower of the plant is added to the beer at various stages in the brewing process in order to influence its characteristics. Luckily for interested brewers, hop plants are cheap and relatively simple to grow. They do, however, require some type of structure on which to grow.
  1. Hop Plants

    • Hop plants are grown from rhizomes, which can be bought from a home brew supply store in early spring. Once the rhizome is planted, it produces hop vines that can grow up to 25 feet long. The hop flower that is used in brewing grows on these vines. The vines will die out every winter, but the rhizome will continue to produce new vines and new hops every year.


    • The vines of a hop plant need some support structure around which to grow. A fence can be used for this purpose as long as it is physically big enough to hold the entire length of the vines. Traditional trellises, poles and ropes can also be used as support structures. In addition, a rope or wire can be strung longways across a wooden fence in order to grow hops as well.


    • As with all plants, hops grow better in some climates than others. Hops are, however, a very hardy plant. At least 120 consecutive frost-free days are required to grow hop plants. Hops grow best when they are exposed to a significant amount of spring moisture followed by a warm and sunny summer. Irrigation can make up for a lack of rainfall in certain climates.


    • When you notice that the hop cones are beginning to dry out (usually some time between the middle of August and the middle of September), it is time to harvest them. Some hop plants may not produce any flowers the first year. Pick the hop cones by hand, and then place the cones on a thoroughly cleaned window screen for a few days to dry them. When the powder from the hops readily falls out (but while the cone remains springy to the touch), they are dry enough to store. Place the hops inside a resealable plastic bag, and store them in the freezer until you are ready to use them.