Home Garden

Other Uses for a Topsy Turvy

Gardening is hard work, that's why the Topsy Turvy was designed. By allowing the plant to grow upside down, while hanging in a planter, the Topsy Turvy prevents you from having to pull weeds, trim the garden plants and watch the soil for pesky bugs. The Topsy Turvy can be used anywhere you can place a hanging plant, so you no longer need a big back yard to have your own fresh fruits and vegetables. Originally created for tomato plants, many users have found that other plants also benefit from being grown upside down in the Topsy Turvy.
  1. Growing Peppers

    • Once bell peppers become fully grown, they start to drag the plant down. This requires you to spend time tying the pepper plant or staking the plan,t to keep it from falling over or snapping, as it continues to grow. As the plant continues growing, you have to re-tie and re-stake it to accommodate the new growth. Using a Topsy Turvy for your peppers eliminates all of these tedious steps, and allows the plant to grow without the peppers weighing it down. Other varieties of peppers also can be grown this way, such as jalapenos and banana peppers.

    Heavy Vegetables

    • Types of vegetables that grow to be on the larger side, such as eggplant, zucchini and squash also do well in the Topsy Turvy. Growing these vegetables off the ground helps relieve the back pain from bending over to tend to your garden, and also gives keeps your heavy vegetables from touching the ground and coming in contact with soil diseased and pests. Since your plant is off of the ground, you can also use fewer chemicals on it, which gives you a better chance to growing your own organic hanging garden.


    • Herbs grow perfectly in the Topsy Turvy; and you can get more for your money, by potting more than one type of herb in a single Topsy Turvy. Using a few different varieties of herbs in one planter allows you to have your own fresh herb garden within easy reach, when making your favorite herb-flavored meals.


    • Strawberries also do well in a Topsy Turvy. Planting strawberries using other methods causes you to dig around in the plant to find the ripe strawberries; most of the time, resulting in picking strawberries that are just about rotten since they were not clearly visible within the plant. Using a Topsy Turvy allows you to see your blooms as they come in, giving you a better handle on your crop.