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How to Change Hydroponic Garden Water

The water in a hydroponic garden is the lifeblood of the entire system. Since the plants do not live in any soil, they are dependent on the water for all of their needs. Hydroponic nutrient solutions contain all of the minerals that are essential to the survival of the plants in the system. As the plants are exposed to the nutrient solution, they will continue to use some of the nutrients and eventually the water must be changed so that the plants continue to get what they need.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket
  • Nutrient solution
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    • 1

      Empty the nutrient solution holding tank. If it is a large tank it will have some means of pumping or gravity-feeding the nutrient solution into the plant area. Empty the tank by either pumping it out or allowing it to drain into a bucket. Dispose of the old solution. For small gardens you can simply pour the water out of the container.

    • 2

      Flood the tank and plant roots with pure water, drain it off and discard it. Do this three times. This helps to remove any excess salt or mineral buildup from the plants.

    • 3

      Return the tank and plant tray to their operating positions. Make sure all hoses are set to feed back into the system instead of into a bucket or drain.

    • 4

      Mix fresh nutrient solution. Make the amount that is required by your system.

    • 5

      Fill the holding tank, garden tray or pond area with the fresh solution. Be sure that the level is high enough that the plants can reach the liquid in static systems, such as floating gardens, or that the pump can adequately flood the garden with the proper amount of solution.