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What Will Happen If You Grow Carrots in Water?

According to the World Carrot Museum, carrots transform beta carotene into an active form of vitamin A. Eating carrots can protect against eye disorders, such as macular degeneration and cataracts. You cannot grow new carrots in water only. As much as carrots love and need water, growing carrots from seed will require nutrients added to the water. There are some creative things that will happen if you grow carrots in water only.
  1. Carrot Top Houseplant

    • Carrot top sprouting is a fun family activity that can be done in the winter months.

      The tops of carrots will not grow new carrots, but they will grow attractive, green, bushy plants in water. Place 1 inch of carrot cut from the crown into a shallow bowl or tray of water. You can fill the bowl with sand or marbles for stability, but this is optional. In a couple of days you will see green sprouts growing from the top. Place the sprouting carrots in a sunny window.

    Hanging Basket Carrots

    • Hanging basket carrots will grow with only water. Cut carrots 2 inches long from the top. Hollow out the tops of carrots 1 ½ inches deep so they can hold water. With the bowl facing up, tie a string and hang each carrot bowl in a sunny window. Keep the carrot hole filled with water. You will see ferns growing out of the carrots in a few days. The greenery will continue to grow as long as you keep it watered.

    Hydroponic Carrots

    • Hydroponics involves growing plants in a soil-less or sterile medium. Perlite, sand or small pebbles are used as sterile soil replacement media. A deeper container is needed to grow subcutaneous vegetables, such as carrots, hydroponically. Lightly mist the seeds that should germinate in six to 10 days. After germination, the carrots will need liquid fertilizer added. Carrots are slow growing and mature in two to three months.

    Carrots Grown in Space

    • The high carotene in carrots may reduce cancer and radiation's negative effects. Astronauts are exposed to higher levels of radiation that are linked with cancer. NASA has been conducting experiments to grow carrots in space in the hope that raw carrots added to astronauts' diet may reduce these health risks. One study showed that growing carrots in nutrient-enriched water gave them the same moisture content and carotene amounts as traditionally-grown carrots.