Home Garden

Raised Beds for Butterfly Gardens

You don't need a sprawling yard or garden to attract butterflies. Raised beds give a space-saving option, and butterflies won't know the difference, as long as you provide a water source, plant the right flowers and care for your garden. Raised beds allow your soil to heat up faster, so you can plant earlier in the season. The soil also provides better drainage and simpler maintenance. They also require less fertilizer, so they're safer for butterflies.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Bed slats/materials
  • Gardening tools
  • Pebbles/gravel
  • Potting soil
  • Compost
  • Flower seeds
  • Bucket
  • Water
  • Fruit pieces
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    • 1

      Draw out a plan for your butterfly garden. Mark where you'll have your beds. Leave space for walkways between each bed. Beds should be small enough so you can comfortably access all the plants for watering and maintenance.

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      Gather your raised-bed supplies. Search sites such as Craigslist or visit garage sales for salvaged wood, railroad ties, old doors, drawer chests or shelving. Corrugated steel also works well, or gather rocks or bricks to build a rock bed. Look for materials that fit the bed size you want so you don't have to cut them down further. Search your home for old trundle bed frames or bookcases that have seen better days.

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      Drill holes in any salvaged item you use as a raised bed that has a bottom. For instance, drill several holes at the bottom of a chest drawer or old porcelain sink, or remove the chest drawer's bottom panel by prying the nails loose with a hammer or flat-head screwdriver -- so you're left with a square frame with an open bottom.

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      Remove any weeds, pebbles and debris from the area where you plan to place your beds. Lay down four panels -- doors, shelves or railroad ties -- in a square or rectangle around the area, standing doors or shelves up on their narrow side so each provides a wall for your box. Pack earth around them so they don't fall over.

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      Add a layer of pebbles or rocks on the bottom of the bed for drainage. Add a mixture of potting soil and compost. Plant flower seeds that attract butterflies. Different flowers attract different types. Plant flowers in large groups of one type, rather than one or two of each in one bed. Flowers that attract butterflies include aster, butterfly weed, day lilies, goldenrod, lavender, hibiscus, lilac and rosemary for a wide variety of butterflies.

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      Build a permanent puddle in one of your raised beds, as butterflies like to congregate near water. Choose a location with plenty of sun. Bury a bucket to its rim, then fill it with sand or gravel. Fill it with water, and add pieces of overripe fruit for another attractive treat.