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How to Set the Timer on a Hydroponic Plant With an Ebb & Flow System

An ebb-and-flow hydroponic system works by alternately flooding and draining a container filled with both plants and an inert medium that provides support for the plants. The flooding fills the container with a nutrient solution that provides the plants the elements they require for growth. The ebb drains the water, allowing the roots to get oxygen from the air. The process is repeated three to four times a day in many systems, depending on the type and size of the plants and the environmental temperature and humidity. Using a timer simplifies and regulates the process.

Things You'll Need

  • Timer that allows four settings in a 24-hour period, digital
  • Watch or stopwatch
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    • 1

      Start the pump that fills your hydroponic plant container. Time how long it takes to fill the container with nutrient solution to within 1 inch of the top. This will determine how long the timer needs to run each time it turns on.

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      Repeat the process a total of three times, allowing the liquid to drain completely between each fill. The times should be the same, or at least close. Use the average time as the setting for the timer.

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      Set the timer to come on three to four times a day, during daylight hours. The plant cannot make use of nutrients when it is dark, so the system does not need to run when there is no light. If you are using artificial light, run the pump when the light is on.

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      Program the timer to turn off when it has run for the amount of time it takes to fill the container. This will prevent the system from accidentally overfilling, though it is a good idea to have an overflow tube that feeds into the nutrient solution storage tank in case there is a malfunction and the pump doesn't shut off correctly.