Home Garden

The Best Ways to Buy Apple Trees

Apple trees are one of most common fruit trees grown in home landscapes. In order to have healthy, productive apple trees, not only will you need at least two apple varieties, but also you must give your apple trees proper care. If you do not have the time or desire to give the necessary care to your apple trees, you may want to reconsider purchasing apples trees.
  1. Variety

    • You may have a favorite apple variety you would like to grow in your landscape, but it will not matter where you buy the tree if your growing environment is not conducive to that particular apple. Apple trees generally require an abundance of sunlight, well-draining soil and a cold dormancy period. Fortunately, new varieties of apple tree species have been introduced which allow homeowners in USDA hardiness zones 8 and lower to successfully grow apples. Deciding on the apple varieties you can grow in your yard will depend on the requirements of the variety and the growing conditions you can provide.


    • Buying your apple trees from a local or regional tree nursery is one of the best ways to be sure that the apple variety can successfully be grown in your area. Tree nurseries will only grow and offer trees and plants that are adaptable to the region. Local and regional tree nurseries can be a wealth of information and guidance. Discuss with the nursery staff the location and growing environment where you intend to plant the apple trees and the varieties that will be suitable.

    Garden Center

    • Like local and regional tree nurseries, locally owned garden centers are a good place to buy your apple trees. Unlike large chain store garden centers, where the plants and trees can be shipped in from a distant supplier, locally owned garden centers will generally purchase their stock from a local wholesale supplier. Always ask where the apple tree originated to be sure.

    Mail Order

    • Many large mail order plant catalogs include a selection of apple trees. These apple varieties are usually very hardy and can be grown successfully in a wide range of growing conditions. The apple trees in the mail order catalogs can be less expensive because of the large quantity the company has available and the unknown success factors relating to your particular growing environment. The description of the apple tree variety should be informative and complete to include USDA hardiness zones, description of fruit and flavor, tree size, mature tree size and when the apple fruit will mature for harvesting. Always buy plants and trees from mail order companies that you have investigated and feel confident are reputable.