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Colors of Fuchsia Plants

Fuchsia plants are grown for their colorful, tropical looking flowers that can bloom en mass, attracting bees, butterflies and hummingbirds to your yard. Most fuchsia plants are frost tender and, therefore, in colder climates are seasonally grown in hanging baskets, containers or as houseplants, though there are several hardier varieties that can bear light frost for landscape use. In warmer climates, fuchsia plants can grow year around with a display of vivid, eye-catching flowers. As attractive as the fuchsia flowers are, the foliage of fuchsia plants can also add color and visual interest to your environment.
  1. Green Leafed

    • With thousands of fuchsia plant varieties, the color, size and appearance of the flower supersedes selecting the plant for its foliage color. Most fuchsia plants have a complementary mid- to dark-green leaf color, which accents the spectacular flowers. Pinch off the new green leaf growth on the end of your fuchsia stems to promote a fuller foliage look for your plant.

    Lime Green Leafed

    • There are several varieties of fuchsia plants that have foliage in lime green, some with variations of lime green combined with striking color. The color of the fuchsia foliage accents and sets the bright-colored flowers apart from the leaves. Because fuchsia plants thrive in shade and partial shade, growing plants with the lighter, brighter lime-green foliage can give the appearance of lightening a dark area of your yard or porch. Fuchsia Genii is a lime-green leafed plant or, for a spectacular foliage display, grow the upright fuchsia Autumnale with golden green leaves that are tinged with orange and purple.

    Variegated Leafed

    • Variegated leafed fuchsia plants add an interesting visual texture to the plant as whole, blending foliage and flowers. The leaves of a variegated fuchsia include a creamy white color with deep green. There may be a hint of rose or red on the leaf, as with the Tom West and Sun Ray fuchsias. The hardy bush-type fuchsia Variegata has roundish leaves that are edged in cream, as does the more frost tender Firecracker fuchsia.

    Red Leafed

    • Several variegated-leafed fuchsias, and a few lime-green leafed, contain a blush of red, pink or plum in the leaves, but a true reddish fuchsia leaf variety is hard to come by. The Kiwi Sheen fuchsia is a treelike plant from New Zealand with rosy-red foliage and cinnamon-colored bark that was introduced into the United States in 2009.