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The Development of Agave

The development of the agave enables it to survive in harsh conditions. They withstand drought, heat, strong winds and cold weather. The unusual adaptations of this plant should be considered before adding it to your landscape.
  1. Rhizomes

    • The development of the agave begins either with a seed or with underground stem extensions called rhizomes that form new plants. Small buds growing on the rhizome reach the surface as offsets.


    • As the agave grows, the small stem is hidden beneath a massive spiral of leaves. It is the base on which the agave forms.


    • The wide-spreading roots are fibrous but shallow. They are adapted to low and erratic rainfall.


    • The rigid, fibrous leaves have prominent sharp teeth and a very pointed terminal spine. All the water and energy-storage capacity of the plant is in the leaves.


    • Fragrant flowers bloom on a tall stalk that rises from the center of the plant. Once the bloom cycle is complete, the plant dies.


    • The fruit is a woody capsule containing three chambers. Inside each chamber are many flat, black seeds that can be used for reproduction.