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How to Clone Plant Cuttings Using Aeroponics

Cloning plants is a way of getting many new plants that are identical to the original plant. This is done by taking cuttings from the plant and treating them so that they grow roots. Aeroponics is an excellent way to accomplish this. With an aeroponic system you can clone plant cuttings quickly and easily. You can purchase an aeroponic cloning system for starting new plants, or you can quickly build one from readily available materials.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic bin, 8 to 10 gallons, including lid
  • 2½-inch net pots
  • Marking pen
  • Air pump, aquarium type
  • Air line
  • Splitter for air line
  • 2 air stones, at least 6 inches long, made for aquariums
  • Drill with 2-inch keyhole saw
  • Vitamin B1 for plants
  • Clay pellets or silica stones
  • Plant cuttings
  • Digital timer
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    • 1

      Lay out the net pots on the bin lid. Place them so that they cover the lid, but are not closer than 2 inches to each other and are at least 2 inches away from the edges. Mark around them to establish where you will cut your holes. Use the keyhole saw to cut a 2-inch hole at each marked location.

    • 2

      Connect the air line to the pump and the splitter to the air line. Use two additional pieces of air line to connect each one of the air stones to the splitter so that the pump can supply air to both air stones. Place the air stones in the bottom of the bin, arranged to provide as much coverage of the bin area as possible.

    • 3

      Fill the bin almost to the top with water. Add vitamin B1 to the water, mixing it according to the directions on the label. This will help the plants to develop roots. Put the lid on the bin.

    • 4

      Remove the leaves from the lower half of the stems of the plant cuttings. Place one cutting in each net pot. Arrange it so that ½ inch of the cutting sticks out through the bottom of the pot. Fill the pot with clay pellets or silica stones to secure the cutting. Put the pot in a hole in the lid. Repeat until all of the cuttings are in place. Check to make sure the water does not touch the cutting, but is about ½ inch below it.

    • 5

      Program the digital timer to turn on for 15 minutes, then off for 45 minutes around the clock. Plug the pump into the timer and the timer into a power source. The air stones will create bubbles that pop directly under the plants. This will keep your cuttings moist and cause them to develop roots in about 2 weeks.