Home Garden

DIY Flower Box Irrigation System

An irrigation system for a flower box can save plants from dehydration. Growing flowers or vegetables in a window or flower box is an option for almost anyone. Even if you have an apartment with a very small outside space, you can grow green plants in a flower box with a little work. With the hustle and bustle of a busy life, watering these boxes on a regular basis may fall by the wayside. An irrigation system eliminates the need for hand watering.
  1. Trickle

    • Trickle irrigation is a method that includes a buried hose and a slow leaking process. A small hose is placed along the length of the flower box beneath the soil. The hose is attached to a pump or direct water source. Small holes in the hose allow for a small amount of water to trickle out when the source is in the "On" position, watering the root areas of the plants. These systems are available commercially at garden and home improvement centers. You can also create a home-made system with small tubing and a water pump.


    • Drip irrigation for a flower box involves the area receiving water drop by drop from a water source. Piping systems, run from a faucet or water outlet, are installed to achieve this type of flower box irrigation system. A plain water hose, cut to fit the area between an outdoor faucet and the edge of the box, will work if the faucet is turned to the lowest release setting.

    Gravity Drip

    • A more primitive system of irrigation for a flower box is a gravity drip. This system involves placing a water container with a hose higher than the flower box. Water is added to the container and slowly moves through a small hose to the flower box. The control on this system involves very small holes in the lines and the addition of water to the container. This system may be set up to collect rainwater in an outside area and then pipe it slowly to the box.

    Other Options

    • An irrigation system for a flower box does not have to involve piping, tubing or commercial water sources. Placing the flower box under a roof eave or gutter with a small drip will water the plant naturally. A timer installed on a garden hose head creates a irrigation system if it's pointed in the right direction. Making furrows or small trenches in the flower box will guide the water from a hose or falling rain through the box to water all the plants. A plain water bottle with minute holes drilled into the cap may be placed upside down in the flower box to provide a slow release of water.