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How to Remove Seeds From Hemp

From clothing to medicinal properties, the hemp plant is known throughout the world for its myriad of benefits. Even the smallest component of the plant, its seeds, are of great value. The hemp seeds, also called hemp hearts, have a nutty flavor and add tremendous nutritional value and a delicious taste to almost any food. Filled with omega3 fatty acids, protein and other vitamins, hemp seeds can be sprinkled on salads, cereal or toasted and eaten on their own. Harvesting the seeds, however, is quite tedious and must be done with time and patience.

Things You'll Need

  • Machete
  • Gloves
  • Small bucket
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    • 1

      Plan your harvest for October or when the plants are about 16 weeks old and have lost most of their leaves.

    • 2

      Determine which stalks are mature, as a small field will mature at different times. The stalk is mature when most of the seeds have split open at the top of the stalk.

    • 3

      Cut down the mature stalks with the machete.

    • 4

      Pick off the seeds at the top using your gloved hands. Place them into the bucket.

    • 5

      Repeat the removal of seeds with all the cut stalks. Use the remaining stalks for mulch or compost.

    • 6

      Comb through the bucket using your hands and remove any plant debris or immature seeds. Store in a cool, dry and dark environment for up to three to four months, or longer in a refrigerator.