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Do Hydroponic Systems Cause Bugs?

Hydroponic systems use a liquid-nutrient solution to grow plants instead of relying on soil. Such systems are usually operated indoors, either in a greenhouse setting or inside of a home. Because the nutrients are supplied directly to the roots of the plants, they are typically placed much closer together than they would be if planted in soil, allowing for easier transmission of insects and disease. A hydroponic system can be an inviting environment if bugs get into the plants, but this system is more likely to prevent bugs, more than any other type of growing setup.
  1. Temperature

    • Hydroponic systems usually operate in settings where the temperature is controlled and does not deviate significantly during the entire growth period of the plants. For some pests, this provides an ideal environment and, if they get into the hydroponic system, they will stay as long as possible. The temperature doesn't cause the bugs, but it can make it easier for them to become entrenched once they arrive.


    • Many bugs thrive in very humid environments, the type of setting that's common in a hydroponic system. Although the dampness doesn't cause insects to appear, if they get into the system, many types will thrive. The hydroponic system encourages the development of such bugs -- and the warm, damp environment gives them an ideal setting.


    • It's easier to prevent bugs in a hydroponic system than to eradicate them once they've infested the plants. This is an area where hydroponic systems offer a major advantage over other types of growing, as everything can be cleaned and disinfected between crops. There is no soil to harbor organisms from one planting to the next. The growth medium can either be sterilized or discarded. The nutrient solution is dumped, and the tanks and pipes are sterilized. The area where the plants are housed can be cleaned and fogged, preventing anything from being able to survive until the next planting. Each new crop of plants starts with a clean, fresh environment with no leftover pests to cause problems.


    • In addition to sterilizing the hydroponic system between crops, other measures can be taken that will reduce or eliminate the introduction of bugs into the environment. Screens over any openings that might allow bugs to access the plants is one measure that can help. Air filters for all ventilation fans can also help keep bugs out, as can simple measures such as hand washing and changing or sterilizing shoes before entering the growing area. If bugs are not introduced into the system, they will never be able to infect the plants.