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Does Every Cactus Bloom?

Cacti are native to the Americas and are characterized by their thick, juicy flesh and lack of leaves. They come in a range of size and shapes, and many have large spikes or thorns. All cacti are angiosperms, or flowering plants, but they don't always bloom as regularly as other plants. If your cactus isn't blooming, it may be due to environmental conditions, or it could simply be a type that doesn't bloom very often.
  1. Arid and Humid Cacti

    • Cacti are found from the Arctic Circle to Chile, and, while most grow in dry, hot environments, some thrive in rainforests. Rainforest cacti, such as the Christmas cactus, tend to be spineless and bloom more frequently than their arid cousins. If you're looking for a cactus with copious blooms, the Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter cacti might be good choices for you.

    Cacti Growing Conditions

    • If your cactus isn't blooming, it might be because you aren't meeting its needs. People often think cacti can be planted and forgotten, but that isn't the case. Providing your cactus with a warm, sunny spot and frequent watering during the summer will help it grow and prepare to bloom. A mixture of sand and potting soil will provide optimal drainage for a potted cactus. In the winter, the soil should be allowed to dry out completely before watering. A low-nitrogen houseplant fertilizer applied monthly in the summer will also help with optimal growth.


    • Cacti have distinct growing and dormant seasons. During the summer when the weather is warm and sunny, providing your cactus with regular water will prepare it for winter dormancy. It is during this winter dormancy that most cacti bloom. According to the University of Minnesota, you may be able to force a cactus to bloom. Put it outdoors in the beginning of the summer and bring it indoors early, provide a cool, sunny spot and water it less often. This might just help your cactus bloom.

    Common Blooming Cacti

    • If your cactus isn't blooming and you're taking proper care of it, you may just have a variety that doesn't bloom very often. The sea urchin cactus and the barrel cactus don't flower until they are older. in fact, the sea urchin may take up to five years to bloom. The chin cactus blooms when it is young, and the golden barrel cactus is a good beginner cactus that blooms with golden flowers. The hedgehog cactus flowers profusely and is also a good beginner cactus.