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The Relationship Between Bamboo & Ants

Often, gardeners are amazed and dismayed by swarms of ants invading their bamboo. There is no direct relationship between bamboo and ants. Harmful pests that love bamboo actually attract the ants. Bamboo predators leave a residue behind that ants find sweet and delicious. When large colonies of ants are a problem in bamboo, it's a good idea to look for the evidence of some common bamboo parasites.
  1. Aphid Invasions

    • Many species of aphids love to dine on bamboo.

      According to the American Bamboo Society, over 50 Asian aphid species love to dine on bamboo, let alone the indigenous American species that are developing this exotic taste. Green or black small crawling insects, aphids get their feast from the sap of bamboo culms and leaves. The secretion aphids leave behind attracts ants eager for a free meal. Although widespread in the spring, aphids can survive the winter on bamboo. Summer heat tends to dissipate the aphid population.

    Cottony Mealy Bugs

    • Mealy bugs resemble tiny cotton balls.

      Insidious, sly pests, mealy bugs successfully hide between bamboo leaf casings to feed. Appearing as tiny white balls of sedate cotton, often the only sign of an infestation is the sooty mold that grows on the same mealy bug secretions that ants enjoy. A Chinese species of mealy bug that lives two generations on bamboo has made its début in the United States to cause more troubles on a multitude of bamboo species.

    Scale on Leaves

    • Harsh winters kill off scale pests.

      Although ants don't harm bamboo, they will follow various bamboo pests like energized soldiers. Track down and eliminate the pest, and the ants will find a more hospitable home. Ants love the juicy emissions scale leave behind. Scale resemble small, level cones, and are found on bamboo branches and foliage. Light in color when they're young, scale grow discernibly darker as they age. Scale is less problematic in hard winter areas.

    Environment Friendly Controls

    • A soapy water spray is a good overall bamboo pest-prevention tactic.

      Organically control bamboo pests by using insecticidal soap, pressure-washing or organic insecticides. Spray soap made with 1 tablespoon of biodegradable soap to 1 gallon of water every two weeks to keep sucking insects under control. Pressure-washing does not harm bamboo leaves and is successful at blowing away many pests. Neem oil is an organic pesticide that kills mealy bugs, aphids and many other insects. Take care even with commercial organic controls, as they can kill beneficial as well as harmful insects.