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Desert Bonsai Plants

Bonsai is an ancient Chinese horticultural practice of shaping and pruning a plant into a miniature version. During the 13th century, Zen Buddhists shared this art form with the Japanese. Japanese bonsai masters perfected their craft turning plants into works of art that depict the unity between man, nature, change and elements. Many species of desert plants make ideal bonsai projects because of their slow growth habits, attractive features and ability to survive.
  1. Succulents

    • Desert rose (Adenium obesum) is a 4- to 5-foot-tall succulent plant indigenous to eastern regions of Africa and parts of Arabia. This member of the Apocynaceae plant family develops numerous 2-inch-long trumpet-shaped flowers. Desert rose has a short growth pattern that appeals to bonsai enthusiasts, according to the University of Florida. Jade plant (Crassula argentea) is a succulent native to South Africa grown as a bonsai and house plant. These long-living plants require moist soils during the spring and summer growing seasons; allow soil to dry between watering in winter. Jade plants have attractive dark green to bluish-gray oval-shaped foliage and some varieties have red-tipped leaves.

    Evergreen Trees

    • Texas ebony (Ebenopsis ebano) is a 40-foot-tall evergreen tree with a dense spreading canopy and a slow growth rate. This Fabaceae family plant originates from the Chihuahuan desert in Mexico and southern areas of Texas. Landscapers often use this drought, heat and cold tolerant plant as a bonsai tree. Western Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) is an evergreen tree native to high desert regions in Oregon, California and Idaho. This coniferous tree has durable heartwood that varies in color from creamy white to dark reddish-brown. Junipers are hardy trees with a tolerance for droughts and heat.

    Deciduous Trees

    • Mt. Atlas pistache (Pistacia atlantica) is a semi-deciduous to deciduous shade tree from the Anacardiaceae plant family. This heat tolerant native of North Africa and the Middle East has a moderately slow growth and reaches heights of 60 feet. Mt. Atlas pistache is an ornamental tree used for residential and commercial landscapes; this desert tree also makes a unique bonsai plant, according to Arizona State University. Jerusalem thorn (Parkinsonia aculeate) is an ornamental and shade tree with deciduous foliage. This desert plant found in southwestern regions of the United States, Mexico and South America has aromatic yellow blossoms. Jerusalem thorn is a hardy tree with a shrubby formation useful in bonsai.

    Fruit Trees

    • Fruit trees are often used for bonsai plants. Many varieties of fruit trees adapt to desert conditions and maintain hardy fruit production. Apples have a number of cultivars -- like Anna, Golden Dorsett and Ein Shemer -- that thrive in the low desert of Arizona. Figs trees also grow well in the desert. Cultivars such as Black Mission, White Kadota and Brown Turkey figs perform well. Plum varieties that include Santa Rosa, Gulf Ruby and Gulf Gold tolerate the low desert.