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How Long Do the Seed Pods Bloom After Being Planted in the Aerogarden?

Aerogardens are hydroponic garden systems, meaning rather than growing plants in soil, the system uses a filtrated nutrient-growing solution for the plants' roots. Seeds are carefully nestled into tiny seed grow pods situated into openings in the system. The nutrient solution flows through the grow pod, hydrating the seeds until they germinate. Roots then grow downward into the solution. Different types of grow pods grow for different amounts of time, according to seed type.
  1. Herb Seeds

    • Herb seed pods require a sprouting time of as little as two days and up to a much as two weeks. This is only the time it takes for the seeds to germinate and sprout. The aerogarden herb kits require regular maintenance to keep plants healthy and growing. Regularly refreshing the nutrient supply is essential and must be done bi-weekly. Water in the basin should be refreshed monthly. Herb plants require regular pruning and harvesting beginning at about three weeks into their growth to remove old foliage, keep the plants productive and to prevent the plants from growing too large and overtaking the garden. This maintenance may lead to a bloom time of 12 weeks or more in the aerogarden, depending on the type of herb.

    Vegetable Seeds

    • Aerogarden vegetable seed kits are usually made of tomato or pepper varieties, or a combination of the two in specialty kits. These kits often take up to a week to germinate and sprout but are ready for harvest in 12 weeks. Maintenance for the vegetable seed kits involves replenishing nutrients bi-weekly and refreshing water monthly. Prune the plants to keep them productive and from growing over one another and into the grow lights. Harvesting ripe fruits quickly will also keep plants productive. With proper maintenance and strong grow light bulbs, vegetable seed pods produce and bloom for six months or more.

    Flower Seeds

    • Flower seed pods grow a variety of flowers including zinnias, marigolds, petunias and lavender. These flowers may take up to a week to germinate and sprout. Once the plants begin to bloom in about three to five weeks, maintenance is required. Plants must be pruned to prevent shading other plants and to remove dead leaves, flowers and stems. Pruning keeps the flowers blossoming for longer periods of time. Nutrients must be replaced bi-weekly and water replaced monthly. As with other seed kits, strong, new grow bulbs keep the flowers growing longer. Expect blooms for three months or more with proper care.


    • Leafy greens seed pods often take only one to two days time to germinate and sprout, though some varieties may take up to a week. Proper care is essential to keeping grow time at a maximum with greens seed pods. Once plants begin to grow, they must be thinned at about two to three weeks into their lives to prevent crowding. The hood of the system, containing the lights, must be moved up every week or so as the greens grow taller to keep them from getting burned in the lights. Finally, leaves require frequent harvest at about four to six weeks to prevent the plants from dying off and old leaves from hampering the growth of fresh leaves. Greens seed pods often produce for up to six months.