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How to Germinate White Pitcher Plant Seeds

The white pitcher plant (Sarracenia leucophylla) is also known as the white trumpet, white-topped trumpet or white-topped pitcher. It is native to wet areas on the Gulf coasts of Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and Georgia. White pitcher plants love full sunshine and hot summers. They can tolerate winter freezes, and the seeds need to be exposed to the cold before they will germinate. Growing white pitchers from seed is a slow process, and it may take five years to go from the seed to an adult plant with large pitchers.

Things You'll Need

  • Sphagnum moss
  • Peat moss
  • Transparent plastic bags
  • 3-inch pots
  • 2-inch pots
  • Distilled water
  • Dishes
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      Store your white pitcher plant seeds in the refrigerator for four weeks prior to planting. Place them in a plastic bag along with a pinch of live sphagnum moss or peat moss that has been soaked in distilled water and then squeezed to remove excess water. Seal the bag with plenty of air inside and place it in the refrigerator.

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      Sow the seeds onto the surface of chopped sphagnum moss or peat moss. Use 3-inch pots and leave at least 1/5 inch between seeds. Spread the seeds across several pots to eliminate the risk of fungal attack or dryness killing all the seeds.

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      Place the pots inside transparent plastic bags under fluorescent lights or close to a window that receives bright, indirect sunshine. Aim for a steady temperature of 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Your seeds should germinate within a month.

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      Remove the plastic bags once the seedlings appear and move the pots into an open terrarium in a bright location or outside in full sun. Keep the soil permanently moist using rainwater or low-mineral water (less than 100 parts per million of dissolved solids). Keep the pots on a dish of water at all times to prevent the soil from drying out. Once the plants have five leaves each, transplant them into individual 2-inch pots.