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How to Grow Egyptian Blue Water Lilies Indoors

Egyptian blue water lilies are deep-water aquatic plants originating from South Africa. These floating aquatic plants produce green foliage and bright blue flowers. Though traditionally grown in outdoor ponds or water gardens, Egyptian blue water lilies adapt well to life as indoor plants when provided with the proper light, container, water and soil.

Things You'll Need

  • Small, submersible plant containers
  • Loamy garden soil
  • Large container for lilies (must hold water and be at least 12 inches deep)
  • Water
  • Ultraviolet grow light
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      Fill a nursery container, basket or small flower pot with loamy, sandy garden soil. Plant one Egyptian blue water lily tuber per container, surrounding the tuber with soil.

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      Place the indoor water garden container in an area you wish to keep it permanently. Fill the container with at least 1 foot of water.

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      Lower the containers holding the water lily tubers into the larger container filled with water. Do this gently to avoid displacing the tubers and splashing out more water than is necessary.

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      Set up an ultraviolet grow light for your water lilies. Secure the light in an area that allows it to shine over the lilies without burning them. Wall fixtures are a good option for this situation. Turn the light on for 12 to 16 hours daily to achieve a full-sun environment for your lilies.

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      Maintain a water temperature of 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit by allowing water to come to room temperature or adding a water heater to your container if your room temperature falls below 50 degrees F.

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      Remove the baskets from the water container every three months to complete a water change, and add water to the container as needed to maintain a consistent water level for your water lilies.