Home Garden

How to Make a Texas-Shaped Flower Bed

Nothing says state pride quite like a Texas-shaped flower bed, but actually creating that look in your own yard takes careful planning. It is possible to create a shaped flower bed almost anywhere -- and you don't need to hire an expensive landscape architect to make it happen. To make a state-shaped flower bed, you have to start working on your design before you plant a single seed or bulb.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer
  • Printer
  • Old sheet
  • Heavy books/rocks
  • Scissors
  • Shovel
  • Lawnmower
  • Organic mulch/compost
  • Brick/stone/wood planks
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    • 1

      Download an accurate picture of the state of Texas online and store it on your computer's Desktop or Downloads folder.

    • 2

      Print out the picture.

    • 3

      Lay a sheet on a flat, even floor or area of ground and stretch it taut to get rid of wrinkles. Place heavy books or rocks around the perimeter to hold the sheet in place. Use a sheet you don't intend to keep.

    • 4

      Draw Texas on the sheet, as large as you want your flowerbed to be. Use the map you printed as a guide. Alternately, you may skip Step 3 and have a professional printer create a large-scale picture of Texas that can be traced onto the sheet. In this case, use a white sheet and place the picture underneath.

    • 5

      Cut away the excess sheet -- everything outside of the Texas state line -- with a pair of scissors.

    • 6

      Lay the sheet on the ground outside where you want to place your flower bed. Take your time with placing the sheet -- you can't move the flower bed even a few inches once you start breaking ground.

    • 7

      Place heavy rocks around the perimeter of the sheet or stake it down using wooden pegs to keep it from moving.

    • 8

      Trace the sheet pattern with the blade of a shovel, digging a border around it that follows all the curves and lines. Cut into the soil to the depth of the shovel blade itself.

    • 9

      Remove the sheet. Save or discard your Texas template.

    • 10

      Mow the grass inside the future flower bed to a level height of 5 cm.

    • 11

      Hand pull all weeds, rocks and other debris inside the marked area.

    • 12

      Break up the top 2 to 3 inches of soil using the shovel and churn it up to till the bed. The tilling process loosens and aerates the soil, providing a healthy place for plants.

    • 13

      Cover the area with 2 inches of organic mulch or compost to further enrich the soil.

    • 14

      Lay brick, stone or wood around the edges of the flower bed, if desired. The border will help you maintain the clean lines of the Texas-shaped flower bed.

    • 15

      Plant flower seeds and bulbs within the confines of your Texas flower bed.