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Does a False Aralia Plant Require Sun or Shade?

If you enjoy growing houseplants, don't overlook a plant called false aralia (Schefflera elegantissima, also known as Dizygotheca elegantissima). A rainforest native, false aralia has a shrubby form with highly ornamental foliage. You can move a false aralia houseplant outdoors during warm months and it can also do well as an herbaceous garden perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12.
  1. False Aralia

    • In its native habitat in Pacific Island rainforests, false aralia can reach a height of 50 feet, but it's usually about 6 feet tall when grown as a cultivated plant. It has palm-shaped, compound leaves composed of 3-inch long, narrow, toothed leaflets that are glossy green on their upper surfaces and coppery-green on the reverse. False aralia produces umbrella-shaped clusters of yellow-green flowers in fall and winter, followed by oval black fruits, but flowers and fruit usually appear only on plants grown outdoors. This plant is quite easy to grow when given some basic care and good light.

    Outdoor Light

    • False aralia is tolerant of different outdoor light conditions, depending on its location. In areas with hot, strong sun, it does best in a spot that gets morning sun, with partial to full shade in the afternoon. In regions with cool summers, the plant can do well in a brightly lit spot for the entire day, but watch for scorching of its leaves, an indication it's getting too much strong sun. You can also grow false aralia in a fully shaded spot, but its growth may slow and its leaves may have less intense color.

    Lighting Indoors

    • False aralia makes a good houseplant, preferring a daytime temperature of about 75 degrees Fahrenheit, with a slight drop in temperature at night. It grows well in any spot that gets bright, indirect light, such as near a south- or west-facing window. During winter, ensure the plant isn't kept in a drafty spot near a window or door, because it may drop leaves if the temperature falls below 60 degrees F. You can move your false aralia outdoors when temperatures remain at or above 70 degrees F, but move it into outdoor light gradually to prevent leaf scorching, increasing its exposure by an hour or two each day.

    Other Care

    • False aralia grows in any type of garden soil or commercial potting mix, provided it's well-drained. It prefers even moisture and should never be allowed to stay wet and soggy or to dry out completely. Allow the top 2 inches of soil to dry slightly between waterings, testing with a fingertip to determine the soil's moisture level. Because it's a tropical plant, false aralia doesn't become dormant in winter, although it tends to use less water in the cool winter months, when you should cut back watering slightly. The plant thrives when fertilized monthly with a balanced, 10-10-10 formula, diluted at a rate of 1/4 teaspoon per gallon.