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Pruning a Pink Breath of Heaven Shrub

Some garden plants have names that give strong clues about their attributes. A plant called pink breath of heaven (Coleonema pulchellum) is a good example of this type. It's an evergreen shrub with tiny pink flowers that cover its surface, giving the appearance of many pink puffs of air. An easy-to-grow, South African native that responds well to pruning, this plant thrives in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11.
  1. Characteristics

    • Sometimes called the confetti shrub because of its scattered pink flowers, the breath of heaven plant has a full, billowy growth habit, usually reaching a height of 3 to 6 feet with an equivalent width. Its leaves are small and needle-like, giving the plant a delicate appearance when not in bloom, and it produces an aromatic fragrance when it leaves are bruised. Pink breath of heaven produces a profusion of small, star-shaped pink flowers at the ends of its slender branches in late winter through spring, attracting bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.


    • Although pink breath of heaven has a naturally graceful, attractive growth habit, you can prune the plant to control its size or develop a particular shape that fits into your garden plan. Since this plant doesn't become dormant in winter, you can cut it back at any time during the year, but pruning in spring after blossoms are spent is best to ensure the next season's bloom. This schedule allows enough time in summer and fall for the plant to produce new growth that supports flower buds the next season.


    • You can control the size of a pink breath of heaven shrub by heading back some of its branches by about one-third each year. Identify healthy, outward-facing buds to promote widening or the plant or inward-facing buds to develop a more upright form, cutting the branch just ahead of each bud. An older, less vigorous plant can respond well to thinning a few of its older branches at ground level each year, because this stimulates production of new growth from the base of the plant. You can also lightly shear back an entire plant near its branch ends in late summer if it starts to grow out of bounds, or pinch back the tips of especially long branches, but this might diminish the number of flowers the following year.

    Other Care

    • Pink breath of heaven grows well in full sun, but it can tolerate partial shade, especially in regions with strong, hot summer sun. A young plant needs regular, even watering to support growth of a good root system, but it can tolerate dry spells well once established. It grows in any type of garden soil that's well drained, but does poorly when roots remain wet for long periods. If your soil drains slowly, add sand at planting to improve its drainage. You can keep the plant growing well and stimulate new growth after pruning by feeding it with a balanced, 10-10-10 fertilizer, diluted at a rate of 1/4 teaspoon per gallon, but check package label for any additional directions.