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Can You Cut an August Beauty Gardenia to the Trunk?

Intensely fragrant, "August Beauty" gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides "August Beauty") bathes a garden in a heady scent from its waxy, white blooms. Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7b through 10, it flowers heavily from spring through fall. But even with this elegant gardenia, you can find yourself with too much of a good thing. Fortunately, "August Beauty" can handle serious pruning, properly timed and carried out.
  1. Drastic Measures

    • "August Beauty" normally reaches 4 to 6 feet in height and width with thick, lustrous foliage. Even in August, when most gardenias step back from flowering, large double blossoms continue atop dense branches. If your shrub ends up leggy and sparse, or simply oversteps its bounds, serious rejuvenation may be in order. Take a cue from nature. Harsh winters often kill gardenias back to the ground. Healthy plants come back vigorously from the roots to reform. If your shrub's condition means it needs such measures, you can duplicate the process in your garden.

    Timing Your Attack

    • If your "August Beauty" is stressed or weak, restore the plant's health before any pruning. Extensive pruning can shock and kill weak plants. With a healthy "August Beauty," plan your pruning for late winter -- just before spring growth begins. "August Beauty" blooms on the current year's new growth and old stems from the previous season. Drastic pruning sacrifices blooms, but new growth follows to set buds and flower. Do additional shaping and tipping throughout the season, but never prune in fall. The new growth would be susceptible to winter damage.

    Taking the Plunge

    • Before you dive in to "August Beauty," have a clear idea of how and why you're pruning the plant. If it needs serious rejuvenation, prune as necessary, but never take the plant back to less than 12 to 18 inches above the ground. Wear gloves and long sleeves for protection. Use pruning shears for small stems and lopping shears for small branches. Larger branches require a handheld pruning saw. To prevent the spread of disease, use a household disinfectant to sterilize your pruning implements before and after every cut. After heavy pruning, water frequently to stimulate growth. Expect "August Beauty" to rebound with new growth in about six weeks, as buds begin to swell.

    Capitalizing on Your Labor

    • With pruning done, follow through to ensure you achieve the desired results. As new branches begin to form, further shaping will define a compact, well-balanced shrub. Pinch back growing tips in early and late summer to force branching and stimulate dense growth. "August Beauty" responds best to pruning and winter weather with its cultural requirements met. The shrub prefers full sun and well-draining, acidic soil rich in organic matter. Water stress and fluctuations in soil's moisture and temperature can lead to unattractive foliage and dropping buds. Well-drained, consistently moist soil helps ensure abundant buds endure and fill your garden with fragrant flowers.