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Dwarf Tundra Plants

The Arctic tundra covers the northernmost regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Permafrost and high winds make it difficult for plants to thrive; therefore, many species have a low growth habit. The Alpine tundra is a treeless plane found on mountain ranges worldwide. This area has high altitude and a cold climate, but typically lacks permafrost. Many dwarf shrubs grow on the Arctic and Alpine tundras. Dwarf plants are small, scaled-down varieties of larger plant species.
  1. Woody Shrubs

    • Black crowberry (Empetrum nigrum) is a 6-inch-tall, dwarf woody evergreen shrub indigenous to the Arctic tundra in Western North America. This perennial member of the Ericaceae family has a low, mat-like formation with a creeping habit. Black crowberry forms small purplish-brown flowers and round purplish-black fruits. Dwarf birch (Betula nana) is a small woody deciduous shrub that only grows to 1 foot in height with a spread of 20 inches. This Betulaceae family plant thrives in well-draining light to heavy soils with full sun to partial shade. Dwarf birch's native range consists of the Arctic tundra as well as northern Europe and Siberia.

    Herbaceous Shrubs

    • Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) is a low-growing dwarf herbaceous shrub endemic to the Arctic tundra. Reaching heights of 1 foot with a spread of 3 feet, this member of the Ericaceae family forms a dense mat. Underground rhizomes help the lingonberry shrub rapidly grow. During early summer, white to light pink bell-shaped flowers form. Mountain avens (Dryas octopetala) is a low-growing herbaceous shrub that grows to only 3 inches tall. This arctic tundra plant likes full sun and well-draining soils. In spring though summer, white flowers with yellow centers form on 4- to 6-inch-tall spikes that rise above the foliage.

    Deciduous Shrubs

    • Alpine bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpina) is a dwarf deciduous shrub belonging to the Ericaceae plant family. This small plant grows to heights of only 4 inches tall with a width that matches. In April through June, pink to red hermaphrodite flowers bloom. Alpine bearberry is a native to the Alpine tundra in the Alps. Arctic willow (Salix arctica) is a dwarf deciduous shrub with a trailing formation and a low, prostrate configuration. The deep green foliage of the Arctic willow has a glossy appearance and a broad oval shape. This alpine tundra plant grows in North America, Europe and Asia.

    Evergreen Shrubs

    • Labrador tea (Rhododendron groenlandicum) is a prostrate evergreen shrub from the Ericaceae plant family; it grows in northern regions of North America, Europe and Asia in spruce forests and alpine tundra. Fragrant small white flowers form on Labrador tea in spring and summer. The foliage consists of thick, lance-shaped leaves with orange hairs on the undersides. Alpine azalea (Loiseleuria procumbens) is a dwarf evergreen shrub with a trailing form. A native to alpine tundras, this species of the Ericaceae family grows in North America, Asia and Europe. Alpine azalea has brilliant green, leathery sword-shaped leaves with an opposite arrangement. The light pink to dark pink bell-shaped flowers have red sepals.