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How to Grow a Photinia Fraseri

Photinia x fraseri, more commonly called red tip photinia, is a large shrub common in landscaping. Its new spring foliage is a bright red, and it produces white flowers in late spring followed by red berries. It reaches up to 15 feet tall and 8 feet wide. It often creates a tall hedge. It is hardy within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 to 9.

Things You'll Need

  • All-purpose fertilizer
  • Pruning shears
  • Fungicidal spray
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      Plant red tip photinia in a full sun or mostly sunny location. Red tip photinia requires very good air circulation to prevent disease, so do not crowd the plants.

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      Plant red tip photinia in well-draining soil rich with organic compost. Avoid using organic mulches around the red tip, as this encourages disease.

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      Water it deeply when the top 2 inches of soil are dry. Running water around the plant's base avoids wetting the foliage.

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      Fertilize the red tip photinia in the spring with an all-purpose fertilizer. Do not fertilize it during the summer, as this encourages new growth susceptible to fungal disease.

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      Prune the red tip during the winter. Shape the red tip into a hedge, a tree form or just clean up its natural upright shape.

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      Inspect the red tip frequently for signs of Entomosporium leaf spot, a fungal disease common on the photinia. Symptoms include small, circular red spots on the leaves, which grow and spread, covering the leaf with large blotches and spots. The leaf eventually falls off. Severe infection kills the shrub. Apply fungicide at the first sign of leaf spot. If your red tip was infected in the past, begin spraying fungicide proactively as soon as new growth appears in the spring. Continue to spray every one to two weeks during damp weather conditions.