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How Far to Plant Red Tip Photinia From the Fence

An excellent fast-growing and heat-tolerant evergreen hedge plant, red tip or Fraser photinia (Photinia x fraseri) is a hybrid cross between Chinese and Japanese photinias. Plants do best in full sun with regular watering. They require well-drained soil but otherwise aren't too fussy -- except when it comes to conditions that encourage serious fungal disease on leaves. Correct plant spacing promotes good air circulation around plants, and can help prevent infestations.
  1. Spacing

    • Locate red tip photinia, sometimes also called red top, the same distance from a fence as the space allocated between plants. Suggested spacing between photinia shrubs is 4 to 6 feet, depending on the desired effect, so planting shrubs about 4 feet from a fence is adequate. Because air circulation is so important for overall photinia health, monitor shrubs planted against solid fences. Thin some of the foliage closest to the fence if it gets too dense or crowded.

    Leaf Spot

    • Photinia is a member of the rose family and is vulnerable to fungal waterborne diseases, such as black spot that plagues roses. Entomosporium leaf spot is the fungus that usually attacks photinia -- to sometimes fatal effect. Fungal spread has to be controlled or the disease will cause gradual thinning, defoliation and eventually death. Fungicide is the usual treatment, applied at the first symptoms. For organic gardeners copper, lime sulfur, sulfur and neem oil treatments may be effective. Trim out and throw away infected plant sections, and also prune to increase general airflow through the plants.

    Disease Prevention

    • The same plant care and garden sanitation practices that help control black spot on roses will also help manage photinia leaf spot infestations. Remove infected leaves as soon as you see them, which can slow disease spread considerably. Pick up fallen leaves immediately. Bag and throw away all infected vegetation; never place it in the compost pile. Remove and throw away all organic mulch below plants too, which probably harbors the fungal spores. Avoid getting water on leaves, which helps spread the disease. Sun and summer heat can help eliminate the disease spores on the plant and in the soil.

    General Care

    • Red tip photinia is otherwise an easy-care plant. Named for the striking coppery red color of its new foliage, red tip prefers full sun but will tolerate partial shade, especially in hot climates. It dislikes wet feet and requires well-drained soil. Photinia likes evenly moist soil but will adapt to dry conditions. Plants respond well to heavy pruning, developing dense branching and foliage. For best results, cut back by half every 12 inches of new growth. Regular spring fertilization will help plants stay healthy and resist diseases.