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What Kind of Plant Is Purple With Green Leaves at the Tips?

Persian shield, or Stobilianthes dyeranus, is an herbaceous annual plant grown for its eye-catching colorful foliage. This member of the Acanthaceae family grows to a height of 18 to 48 inches with a spread of 2 to 3 feet. A native of Burma, this ornamental resides in semi-tropical to tropical regions throughout the world. Persian shield is an adaptable plant with multiple indoor and outdoor uses. Landscapers use this flashy plant as a container and a garden plant.
  1. Characteristics

    • Persian shield is a rapidly growing tropical plant propagated by softwood cuttings or seeds. This ornamental has an erect, upright growth with an open branch formation. The attractive purple foliage of the Persian shield has an opposite arrangement with 3- to 6-inch-long elliptical-shaped, serrated-edged leaves. Leaf patterns vary depending on the cultivar; however, many species have black and green markings with green leaf tips. During winter, inconspicuous funnel-shaped blue flowers form in short 1-inch spikes on the Persian shield.


    • Persian shield has a plant hardiness ranging between USDA Zone 9, or an average annual minimum temperature of 20 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit, to USDA Zone 11, or an average annual minimum temperature above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. A drought- and heat-tolerant plant, Persian shield thrives in morning sun with afternoon shade. When planted indoors, this houseplant requires bright lighting. Persian shield needs well-draining loam soil and a minimum of 18 inches between plants when placed in a garden setting amongst other plants.

    Health and Maintenance

    • Persian shield thrives with an average watering schedule and full to partial sun. In the summer and during the blooming season is the best time to prune the Persian shield, according to the University of Florida Gulf Coast Research and Education Center. Pruning helps to promote bushiness in this tropical plant. Periodically pinching wilted or older leaves aids in the avoidance of an unkempt appearance. Persian shield also requires a humid climate when cultivated indoors to prevent drying out and drooping of leaves.


    • Some common pests on houseplants like the Persian shield include red spider mites and greenhouse whiteflies. Red spider mites are a red-bodied type of arachnid. Signs of an infestation consist of discoloration, flecking and scorching on the foliage. Red spider mite damage results in leaf loss and possible death. Greenhouse whiteflies are gnat-like insects covered with a white waxy substance. These pests use their mouthpiece to ingest sap from the foliage of plants. Symptoms of greenhouse whitefly infestation include a sticky honeydew covering leaves. Greenhouse whiteflies cause premature leaf drop and loss of plant hardiness.