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Can You Trim Golden Globe Arborvitae?

Golden Globe arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis "Golden Globe") is a small, rounded shrub with attractive lime green to yellow foliage. It grows in full sun and slightly moist soil within zones 4 through 8 on the U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone map. Although relatively easy to care for, the Golden Globe has a bit of trouble with heavy snow loads on its small branches, creating the need for pruning, should they break.
  1. Timing

    • Golden Globe requires little pruning and only once during the season. The ideal time to prune the shrub is in fall or early winter. Summer pruning causes browning of the branch tips. If you can't prune in fall or winter, wait until early spring and prune the Golden Globe arborvitae just before it produces new growth. You will know it's ready to produce new growth when you see tiny green bumps on the stems.


    • Sharp, clean pruning equipment makes the difference between leaving the Golden Globe healthy or leaving it open to insect infestations and fungal infections after pruning. When shopping for pruning shears you may notice that there are two types: bypass and anvil. Anvil pruners have a tendency to crush stems. They are less expensive than bypass pruners, which makes them attractive to frugal gardeners. Sharp bypass pruners are a must when pruning the Golden Globe so that you make clean, nonshredding cuts. Disinfect the pruning shears before using them on the shrub.


    • If the top of the young plant is significantly taller than the rest of it, snip it off to bring it into line. This should only be performed on the young Golden Globe. Cut the branch back to 1/4 inch above a bud. This process causes the plant to produce more branches as well. Prune the mature Golden Globe conservatively -- remove dead and weak branches to their points of origin and remove any long stems that detract from the overall shape. Trim these back even with the rest of the shrub.

    After Pruning Care

    • Clean the area around the Golden Globe arborvitae after pruning. Rake up all fallen stems and branches that may act as a harbor for pests and fungal pathogens. This is the ideal time to fertilize the shrub, so scatter 6-12-12 fertilizer on the soil around the base of the Golden Globe and water it in to a depth of 6 inches. Use the amount of fertilizer listed on the package for the size of your shrub.