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How to Care for a Silver Variegated English Holly

The silver variegated English holly (Ilex aquifolium) is an attractive landscape plant similar to other types of holly, but with white margins on its leaves. In winter, it brightens the landscape with its red berries, which provide food for non-migrating birds and other wildlife. This evergreen shrub is hardy as far north as USDA Plant Hardiness zone 6, which includes Missouri, where winter temperatures dip below zero degrees Fahrenheit. This plant is either male or female: to produce berries, a male holly must be present nearby to pollinate a female holly.

Things You'll Need

  • Compost (optional)
  • Shovel
  • Fertilizer
  • Leather gloves
  • Clippers
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      Amend poor soil in a sunny location with organic compost in spring or fall. Spread about 2 inches of compost on the soil surface and then dig it into the soil, digging only as deep as the roots of your holly require. If your soil is rich with humus or other organic material, you needn’t add compost at planting time. Dig out enough soil to make a planting hole as deep as the roots and two or three times as wide.

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      Remove your silver variegated English holly from its nursery pot and loosen the roots if they are cramped or rootbound. Set it into your planting hole and then fill the hole half full with soil. Water at this time to rid the soil of air pockets and make the soil settle. use about 2 gallons of water. After the water drains, fill the hole full and water again with another 2 gallons.

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      Spread a 2-inch layer of mulch, such as organic compost, around the base of your holly in spring each year. Do not allow the mulch to touch the trunk because it can cause it to rot.

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      Water your silver variegated English holly the equivalent of 1 inch of water each week if rains do not provide this amount.

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      Fertilize the silver variegated English holly with an all-purpose, balanced plant food in early spring, before it shows signs of new growth. Any fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio of 10-10-10, 16-16-16 or other equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is suitable.

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      Prune the silver variegated English holly in winter to maintain a compact, pyramid-shaped form. Prune it in spring to increase its production of berries in winter. Because this plant is very tolerant of below freezing temperatures, it remains attractive year-round.