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How to Make a Stuffed Scented Pillow

A stuffed scented pillow serves as a sort of sachet you can use for relaxing in bed or on your love seat with a good book. Scented stuffed pillows use essences to relax you and inspire other therapeutic feelings through aromatherapy. Knowing how to make your own stuffed scented pillows lets you experience serenity, sensuality, rejuvenation or another desired effect through scent.

Things You'll Need

  • Small pillowcase (2)
  • Pillow filling
  • Fabric glue
  • 2 cups cotton balls
  • 2 qt. glass bowl
  • 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
  • 2 oz. essential oil
  • 1 cup fresh herbs or flower blossoms
  • 1 gallon freezer bag
  • Sharp instrument
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    • 1

      Select a small pillowcase and stuff it with your chosen blend of pillow stuffing. You can fill it with cotton batting or feathers, or a combination of both. Stuff it until it is as firm as you want it.

    • 2

      Add the cotton balls to a 2 qt. bowl. Pour in the rubbing alcohol and a 2 oz. blend of essential oils. A 2 oz. blend for a truly relaxing scent includes 1 oz. lavender, 1/2 oz. chamomile and 1/2 oz. sandalwood. These sultry scents are relaxing in aromatherapy applications. Let the cotton balls soak up the alcohol and oil mixture until no moisture remains in the bowl.

    • 3

      Drop the soaked cotton balls into the gallon freezer bag. Add the blend of fresh herbs or flower petals that corresponds to the essential oils you used. You can use fresh lavender, fresh mint, fresh eucalyptus or any other highly aromatic botanical you like. Seal the bag.

    • 4

      Stab the bag repeatedly with a sharp object such as a fork or a knife. Poke several holes in both sides of the bag. These holes serve as "vents" for the scent.

    • 5

      Stuff the bag into the stuffed pillowcase, planting it firmly in the center of the soft filling. Roll the opening of the pillow case closed. Place the second pillowcase over the stuffed pillowcase, with the first pillowcase's rolled end aiming upward into the second pillowcase. This encases it and keeps the filling from falling out. It also keeps it accessible so you can change out the pillow with new bags of scented cotton balls.