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How to Care for Tibouchina Heteromalla

Tibouchina heteromalla is the botanical name for a plant that is commonly known as the glory bush or silver-leafed princess flower. A 4- to 6-foot tall evergreen shrub native to Brazil, T. heteromalla produces purple, African-violet-like flowers from midsummer to fall. The fuzzy foliage with a silver cast provides additional interest when the shrub isn't in bloom. Tibouchina heteromalla is hardy to zones 10a and above on the U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone map.

Things You'll Need

  • Mulch
  • Pruning shears
  • Tree and shrub fertilizer
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      Grow Tibouchina heteromalla in full sun to partial shade in a warm spot in the garden. If you live in a particularly hot region, provide the shrub with afternoon shade to avoid leaf burn.

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      Water the T. heteromalla at the soil, not from overhead. Although the princess flower is moderately drought-tolerant, moist soil ensures better blooms.

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      Spread 3 inches of mulch on the soil, 6 inches from T. heteromalla's base to 1 foot beyond its widest point. Pine needles are an ideal mulch for this shrub. The mulch helps keep the soil moist, cutting down on the need for frequent irrigation.

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      Fertilize the T. heteromalla in spring just before it produces new growth. Use a fertilizer labeled for trees and shrubs and sprinkle the granules on the soil at the shrub's drip line. Water to a depth of 10 inches after applying.

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      Prune the Tibouchina heteromalla in fall, after it finishes flowering. Remove dead and broken branches and any flowers that remain. Make all cuts to ½ inch above a leaf node. Don't cut more than 8 inches off the shrub.